1 Cash Kids Club Savings is a tiered, interest-bearing savings account. The interest rate and corresponding annual percentage yield (APY) are tiered. If the daily balance in the account is less than $500, the interest rate paid on the entire balance will be 4.92% with an APY of 5.04%. An interest rate of 2.97% will be applied on daily balances equal to or greater than $500.00 but less than $3,000, the APY for this tier will range from 5.04% to 3.35% depending on the balance in the account. An interest rate of 1.73% will be applied on daily balances equal to or greater than $3,000, the APY for this tier will range from 3.35% to 1.75%, depending on the balance in the account. Interest rate is effective as of 1/30/25. Rates are variable and are subject to change at the bank’s discretion. Rates are calculated on a daily balance method. Fees may reduce earnings. No minimum balance requirement. Minimum to open is $10.00. Limited to one Cash Kids Club Savings account per child. You may make six (6) withdrawals/transfers from your account each month, by pre-authorized or automatic transfer, or telephone (including data transmission) agreement, order or instruction. Transfers and withdrawals made in person, by mail, or at an ATM are unlimited. The methods of account access vary by product type, and certain account access methods may not be available with all products. At the age of thirteen (13), the account will be converted to a Statement Savings account.
2 Cash Kids Club: To qualify for the $100 Cash Kids Club bonus, must be new BayFirst customer and qualified to open an account in accordance with our normal standards. No minimum balance requirement. Minimum to open is $10.00. Offer is subject to change and may be withdrawn at any time. To receive bonus payment, account must be open at least until bonus payment is credited to the account. You will be paid $25.00 as a bonus match at the end of each monthly statement cycle for up to 4 monthly statement cycles, totaling $100. BayFirst will match up to $100 for deposits, auto transfers, or direct deposits made within the first 5 months of account opening. In order to qualify for the monthly deposit match, you must receive one or more deposits or transfers with a cumulative total of $25 within each monthly statement cycle. Account must be opened by 03/31/2025. Cash Kids Club Savings is a tiered, interest-bearing savings account. The interest rate and corresponding annual percentage yield (APY) are tiered. If the daily balance in the account is $500.00 or less, the interest rate paid on the entire balance will be 4.92% with an APY of 5.04%. An interest rate of 2.97% will be applied on daily balances between $501.00 and $3,000, the APY for this tier will range from 5.04% to 3.35% depending on the balance in the account. An interest rate of 1.00% will be applied on daily balances above $3,000, the APY for this tier will range from 3.35% to 2.41%, depending on the balance in the account. APY calculations are based on a total deposit balance of $5,000. Rates effective as of 01/30/2025. Rates are variable and are subject to change at the bank’s discretion. Rates are calculated on a daily balance method. Fees may reduce earnings. The $100 bonus will be reported to the IRS in accordance with applicable law.
*Sarasota Downtown and Newtown locations are closed on Saturdays.